Lyrics Carach Angren

Carach Angren

In de naam van de duivel

Once upon a time, back when the Devil had a temper

For he was repulsed by love for as long as he could remember

He knew of a bond, that flamed fiercer than fire

Husband and wife he ached to see burned at the pyre

So he summoned a witch before his black throne

Demanded their bond corrupted by this wise crone

The smirking old Witch was instantly sold,

By his promise of rewards both in flesh and gold

In de naam van de duivel

And so the witch set forth on her insidious quest

Stalking the house of the blessed,

Kisses at sunrise leaving for work;

A sign for the witch to approach the house with that same evil smirk

"I came to warn you immediately

Of misfortune and adultery

In my dark prophetic dreams I saw you"

She opened the door for the devil's whore

Who was disguised as an old lady, kind and wise

In de naam van de duivel

"Your husband shall leave you forever

Do as I say, and you will stay together

While your love is asleep, cut off a lock of his hair

Bring it to me and I'll cast a spell to prevent your despair"

And so the witch twists her tongue, reversing the tale

She told her husband before to be on his guard:

"During night when the owls are still and the moon looks pale

Your wife will stab you with a knife in the heart!"

Those twisted words, poisonous like a snake

He could not believe, but still they kept him awake

So he lies there awake, in the dark of the night

When a flicker of steel catches his sight!

Overwhelmed by pure rage and disbelief

He tears the knife from her hand and slits her throat in his grief

In de naam van de duivel

In de naam van de duivel

At ease on his throne and pleased with his whore

For hell is free of love once more

In de naam van de duivel

For hell is free of love once