Lyrics Carbon Leaf

Carbon Leaf


Over Prudence Hall we fall. Unassuming, quiet all.

Peaceful town square. We float in on streams of air.

(if you take note don't stop and stare)

White steepled church we perch upon

the fenceposts, trees, poles wirelines

We stay up high

Birds eye View

Silly Humans, why burn your bridges down?

Should you go with the flow? (Drip dry)

Quick, kick your feet around

Should you never condone flash flood for medicine?

Live where you don't belong.

Just Cause. Don't judge your weatherman

Every year convention here. One by one we come

Survey the quality of your damage done

Blue jay jack daw logger head king bird whippor will black bird black bill ed

magpie finch raven hermit thrush black crow


FLOODS come from RAIN falls from the SKY drinks back the FLOOD

It cycles like the leaves (and so do we)

Silly Humans...

Concientious Objectors. (but we have no conscience and we won't object...'cause we're as right as rain)

We know it's only human nature is not kind

Even birds must take their bath sometimes

(too much oil on the wings is a dangerous thing)

We're your bitter partisan. Familiar, welcome enemy

Devoted couriers. Cleanse and drain. Binge and purge.