Lyrics Carnal Forge

Carnal Forge

Who's Gonna Burn

I compute your mind all the time

Creature of destruction love butcher alive

You play it like a fool

But i got the power

I got the tools

You can try to escape from this pit of power

It's payback time

Got a grip on the wire

You stole my world you fucked it up

Now who's gonna burn?

Who's gonna burn

Who's gonna burn

Time to taste and live the pain

Going inside you again and again

I'm your master i'm your hate

I'm the one who rules your fate

I compute your mind all the time

Creature of destruction love butcher alive

You play it like a fool

But i got the power

I got the tools


I'm the one


Power beyond control


Evilize you all


Pulling the wire

Time to taste and live the pain

Going inside you again and again

I'm your master i'm your hate

I'm the one who rules your fate

You can try to escape from this pit of power

It's payback time

Got a grip on the wire

You stole my world you fucked it up

Now who's gonna burn?