Lyrics Cephalic Carnage

Cephalic Carnage


On the eve of the apocalypse

We're entombed underground

Radiation bleaches our skin

Albinos we have become

Nuclear crucifixion eradicates

Obscures the sun away

Toxic gas burns our eyes

Asphyxiates my lungs, wounded and screaming

Unconsciousness gleaming, suspended animation over


Six months go by

Cataplexy, it takes toll

Awakening from my dismal slumber

I now see well in the dark

Bodily dismorphia has crippled me

Starving, dehydrated

I claw my way back to life


Somehow I did survive

The only human alive

Spared from oblivion

Extinction of man

A comatose being

Living in a haze

Fortitude slips away

Dreaming to survive, inebriated life

Sleep another day

I now dwell this lonely earth in search for living


Breathing still while the world died

Why death passed over me

To repopulate this dying race

Rid the planet of hate!