False Pride

He's Black, He's white, He's yellow, He's blue

He is a Christian, He's a Buddhist, He's Islamic, He's a Jew

But in today's day and age you think we would have learned

That it's the person you should judge and that respect must be earned.

We have fought over nonsense through the sands of time

War after fucking war, and yet our eyes remain blind.

Too often I hear people say to stick with your own

But I don't know what that means in this land we call home.

Instead of blaming everyone else

Its time to take dignity off the shelf

Because we all need to live with each other

And for centuries all we've done is kill one another - with our false pride.

You talk about pride in your race

As if being born into something is an achievement?

How about doing something with your life -

And then yap your fucking mouth about the pride that you have?

Who gives a flying fuck about your ancestors

When all you do is bitch about everyone else?

The bloodstains on the ground from years of ignorance

All looks red to me.


(Can't You See

These Are The End Of Days?

You Can't Open The Paper

Without Reading About Another Religious War.

You'd Think We'd Heed Our Wake Up Call -

But We Haven't.

So Now Here Comes The Armageddon!)