Lyrics Chingo Bling

Chingo Bling

White Shix!


yea yea yea i kno im gunna get alota hate mail for this

one all lil mexicanitas r gunna rally and boycott

children products because dey didnt like certain girls

dat are in the manosas (sally) and dey didnt like

certain girls (laquisha,vicky) that dey saw me with at

Olive Garden so shes black big deal (get over it) yea i

know cody gotta do trouble i know O J Simpson gutta do

trouble pero sometimes when u drink ortachata everyday

sometimes you juss want "Plain Leche"


yup wit ma white shick yup wit ma white shick yup wit

ma white shick yup wit ma white shick yup wit ma white

shick yup wit ma white shick yup wit ma white shick yup

wit ma white shick

[Chingo Bling:]

YUP WIT MA WHITE SHICK but i dont giv a chit before you

talk slick does your girl suck dick my meskin

girlfriend tried to changay witta ice pick but she juss

jelous caus im always rollin wit ma white shick i gets

free chit rollin wit ma white shik at da bank special

treat me wit ma white shik i showed up wit ma brown but

im leavin wit ma white shik got a Dodge fiver now im

speeding wit ma white shick got pulled over while

rollin wit ma white shik police see ma skin and they

handcuff me so quick but she's a down shik yup a lil

doe shik told her who her daddy was he let us go quick


yup wit ma white shik yup wit ma white shik yup wit ma

white shick yup im wit ma white shick yup wit ma white

shik yup im wit ma white shik yup wit ma white shik yup

im wit ma white shik

[Chingo Bling]

yup wit ma white shik caus she love that brown stick

like a swimma hold her breath and go down quick ma

cosana ma maid ma room maid she dont hate show me love

yup on da first date i got a best buy card from ma

white shik dat outfit dat go hard for ma white shik eat

at da resteraunts when im wit ma white shik i getta

order wat i want im wit ma white shik shes ma white

girl sweet,pale as snow she tried to speak a lil

spanish she said "vamonos" mattafact dis shik is workin

for "La Migra" love dis big peepee slanger underground

rap singa yup


yup wit ma white shik yup wit ma white shik yup wit ma

white shick yup im wit ma white shick yup wit ma white

shik yup im wit ma white shik yup wit ma white shik im

wit ma white shik

Other Chingo Bling songs