Lyrics Chumbawamba


The Wasteland

Said the party to the ad-man

''We'll conjure up a gimmick -

The way to lead an ass

Is with a carrot and a stick

Dig down for minorities

Promise them concessions

Ride in on their backs

And then teach them all a lesson:

1. Unemployment means depression

2. You're just victims of the recession

3. (We can count on their support -

if we channel their you'll be saved

All these myths come tailor-made

To suit the Company Director

Myths that praise the dignity

Of cheap, disposable labour

Two different routes

To an industrial heaven

Work for the Boss and parliament

And all will be forgiven

It's the fear of being sacked

That lets the Boss step up the face

Because the minute you step out of line

There's someone took your place

Said the MP to the media:

''Can't we juggle this around?

Sprinkle sugar on the dogshit

And we'll keep the figures down

Never let the left hand

See what's in the right

No-one's any wiser

And the problem's our of sight...''

Job Clubs, Restart, YTS, CP's, EAS:

Take your democratic choice

Take a scheme or starve

Company profits doubled

Wages chopped in half

Offer your life to the one true Church:

In the name of the Conservative Party

The Labour Party

And the Liberal Alliance

The promised land where banks outnumber churches

And your cars shall be martyrs to the cause!

Capitalism in crisis...

But on the third day it shall rise again.