Lyrics Chumbawamba


Tiananmen Square

Heads bowed, eyes down, here comes the enemy

To hail the people's victory! Which people? What victory?

It's the People's Army that murdered the people

They've come to glue the shattered, battered statues in the square

Heads bowed, eyes down, here comes the enemy

With a haircut and a trigger-finger, that could be me!

Tanks tearing a hole in the silence

I've got armor-piercing rockets in my pocket--watch out!

You must've seen it, the boy in the white shirt

You want a fight? Yeah, you and whose army?

The people is bigger than the People's Army

My dad is bigger than your dad, and one day, one day

Raw and angry in front of the enemy

So it's turn back or kill. Boy versus tank

You want a fight? Yeah, you and whose army?

Here soldier, have a watermelon--this'll cool you down!