Lyrics Cinema Strange

Cinema Strange

Unlovely Baby


On thin carpet there squatted a child born unlovely. He

festered ‘neath the table and the dinner guest swore

that he ate a beetle and then smiled! “But, on that’s

nonsense! He’s never eaten my insects…

Though his chin is agleam with drool and many-jointed



On thin carpet they stood and each guest lulled the

little larva- but reluctantly; so ugly! And he smelled

like rotten codfish! And besides, he squirmed and

writhed and in sudden fit of tears he took the colonel

by the ears and bit him on the nose and grunted! (Blood

on his crooked lips!)


On thin carpet they gasped and shrieked and coattails

and lace unceremoniously recoiled from unlovely lullaby

baby! And to the carpet he did plummet! And each guest

did watch him hit and saw how his small skull did split

and out crawled broken beetles and a surge of crimson

forth! (Blood on the thin carpet!) (Blood on his

crooked lips!)

“Shall we with draw to the parlor for aperitifs?”

“Yes, and my nose needs a bandage.”

“I find the present support for workhouse reforms


“I have Cousin in Marshalsea.”

“Sunday or Monday, We’re leaving for Retchingsted.”

“No, I don’t think I’ll ever have children…”