Lyrics Clan of Xymox

Clan of Xymox

Vixen in Disguise

she said 'get over me' and pushed me away

she found someone else and is here to stay

she said she doesn't want me in her life

she said she doesn't want me by her side

I see her as a vixen in disguise

I can't distinguish between the truth and her lies

I used to live here comfortably by her side

I feel the scales fell right from my eyes

right from my eyes, right from my eyes

I don't understand why she left in such a haste

why do these things leave always such a bitter taste?

someday she'll cry for me like a cried for her

someday she'll miss me like i still missing her

now I see it as a blessing in disguise

I'm moving on and so far it made me wise

to be honest, she caught me by surprise

but i know the sun will always rise

always rise, always rise

I'll will miss your smile but i miss mine even more

she managed to reap my soul

like a puppeteer in control

now i see her as a devil in disguise

now i feel like I am drowning in her lies

like a toxic waste, all history erased

like a toxic waste, all history erased