The Wait

Now in a small town

the girl is dreaming on her wedding down.

Now in a small town

the boy is driving rain is pouring down.

Like a dream they had before

every night here want back throw the door.

Warm and sweet is the taste of home

on her love she wates for him alone.

Now in a small town

she feels the sadness on her wedding down.

Now there is no time down the town

carry, sliding, crashing, fallong down.

It's not a dream just a silent door

her heart is breaking she doesn't know one form.

Warm and sweet is the taste of home.

Tears like grain she wates for him alone.

It's not a dream just a silent door

her heart is breaking she doesn't know one form.

Warm and sweet is the taste of home.

Tears like grain she wates for him alone...alone...alone