You Can't Stop Progress

"Though it's the opening track, You Can't Stop Progress

is one of the last

Songs we wrote for Beale Street. It is sort of a

preface to the next track,

Power Player. We happened to perform it one night

before Power Player, and

It became apparent that the two were joined at the hip.

We first heard the

Bad Brains 20 years ago and in this tune it's obvious

that they're still

Influencing us."

Yes, I'll be a responsible member

Of this great and bless'd society.

I've come to understand the wrongful nature

Of gun ownership in the age of monarchy.

But sometimes it's just so hard

To act like the person you weren't born to be.

Felonious behavior. Countless misdemeanors.

Impersonating an officer of the law.

Bonafide man of action! How you like that?

Bonafide man of action! How you like that?

You can't stop, you can't stop progress.

You cant's stop, you can't stop, no, no, no

You can't stop, you can't stop progress.

You cant's stop, you can't stop, no, no, no.

I understand there's no victimless crimes.

That being said I feel rather victimized.

And I will seek substantial compensation.

Whether legally, legal-ish, or otherwise.

But sometimes it's such a hassle

To sit patiently outside the open gates of a loaded


Felonious behavior. Countless misdemeanors.

Impersonating an officer of the law.

Bonafide man of action! How you like that?

Bonafide man of action! How you like that?

You can't stop, you can't stop progress.

You cant's stop, you can't stop, no, no, no

You can't stop, you can't stop progress.

You cant's stop, you can't stop, no, no, no.