Lyrics Cody Johnson

Cody Johnson

Billy's Brother

One good bull fight leads to another

If you gonna fight Billy

Gonna have to fight his brother

Feelin' like Superman

Cold beer in my hand

I've been waitin' all week long

Johnny on the jukebox

Jenny in the shadowbox

Nothin' but her lipstick on

Shoot a little fireball

Shoot a little nine ball

Back against the back wall crowd

I don't need to smoke

But I'll take another toke

'Cause tonight I'm burnin' it down

Step right up, paid your little cover

Try to out drink a bunch a redneck mothers

One bull fight leads to another

If you're gonna fight Billy

Gonna have to fight his brother

Gonna fight Billy

Gonna have to fight his brother

Yonder come a plow boy

Trash talkin' cowboy

Actin' like he's ten feet tall

Billy's kissin' Antrea

Hell, it's just the first date

Met her in the bathroom stall

Cat on a tin roof

Higher than the 90 proof

Howlin' like a blue tick hound

Steady as the beer flows

Everything in here goes

Circus done come to town

Yeah, step right up, paid your little cover

Try to out drink a bunch a redneck mothers

One good fight leads to another

If you're gonna fight Billy

Gonna have to fight his brother

Gonna fight Billy

Gonna have to fight his brother

Everything was goin' fine

Till I hit the moonshine

Billy spilled a drink on me

Should'a known better

Hell, I knew better

But I rared back and took a swing

Said, step right up, paid your little cover

Try to out drink a bunch a redneck mothers

One bull fight leads to another

If you're gonna fight Billy

Gonna have to fight his brother

Gonna fight Billy

Gonna have to fight his brother

One good bull fight leads to another

If you gonna fight Billy

Gonna have to fight his brother