
Roman land of Roman sands and Roman sons

As I watch the sun sink down

On the blood-red edge of the blood-red town

There are shadows for sale

On the edge of town

On the edge of the night

Is a darkness seen

From the side of the night

And the winds blow round this sleeping town

This sleeping town

This Roman land of Roman sands and Roman sons

And it seems to me that when I close my eyes

All the lights in the world

Go out

And the night passes by and you whisper to me

A thousand lies

I stare in surprise

Towards the desert's warm black

And the desert stirs

And the desert stares back

With a thousand eyes

Piercing eyes, ancient eyes

And I ask my lovers, "Do you know

Where the desert roses bloom and grow?"

And I ask my lovers, "Do you know

Where the desert roses bloom and grow?"

And I ask my lovers, "Do you know

Where the desert roses bloom and grow?"