Pan Opticon

So many people from so many backgrounds,

so many different experiences, managed to

come together with a common cause and

think as if they were one person"

"When you get to look at what the young

people of the earth are doing now - all the

younger generations here they've all got

your number. You're obsolete - you're already

history - no more of you need come


"Guilty of violence - guilty of violence -

guilty of violence against the earth"

"All that is left is left is a single question - at which

tree do we stop? stop-stop-stop-stop-stop"

"You do not automatically have the right of way"


"This is a handcuff - this is what you have

to do to try and stay in your house when

they're coming in to take you out - one of

us puts our hand in this side, one in the

other side, click a small handcuff in the

middle, so that our hands are joined. So

that our hands are joined"

"Lock on for what you believe in"

"Till the next time a tree gets in the way of progress"

"We now require you to leave the premises - we now require you to leave

the premises"

"Please be careful"

"Shame on you, shame on you, -repeat"

"Get in the way of progress"

"Lock on for what you believe in"

"Things go in cycles - repeat