Do It In Style

Paul Keating:

Hey, good evening, I'm Paul

Pleased to meet you all

You had some dinner to eat, now you got a good seat

See, there's nothing wrong with being inner-city elite

I'm the star of the show

You prob'ly already know

But if you're out of the loop,

You'll be in need of the scoop,

So let me recap so that you can recoup.

I grew up on Bankstown bitumen

Mum and Dad were down in the ditch and then

They had a vision of a picture and

The picture they drew - came true!

It might have taken a while

But they made quite a pile

And the lesson was learned, penny saved, penny earned,

But you might as well do it in style.

I left school at fifteen

Made the Labor scene

I learned how to survive,

Watched Whitlam thrive

And I made the front bench in '75

Opposition was tough

But when we'd suffered enough

With steely looks, we overtook the schnooks

And we shook the crooks out of cooking the books.

I hate the Treasury jiggery-pokery

I keep my money in a piggery locally

It's funny but it's okely-dokely

We made an accord - good Lord!

Why be mercantile

If you can't crack a smile?

And if you're bringin' home the hog for the drover's dog,

You might as well do it in style. Boys...


You might as well do it in style.

[Saxophone solo]


Perhaps you noticed the suit

I think it makes me look cute

A good couturier can have a lot to say

And when you're in a Zegna then you're on your way

I'm on my way to see Bob

He's gonna give me his job

He showed a lot of nous in Kirribilli House, he made a fealty deal to really douse my grouse.

I've been a model of loyal bonhomie

It's time to honour the deal he promised me

Because I know he's a man of honesty

I lent him my ears - for two years!

That's why I dress to impress

I'm on the road to success

Hey Bobby J, get outta my way,

I know the answer is...

I know the answer is...

I know the answer is...

Bob Hawke:

[Spoken] Aaaaauugrhhhh...