Lyrics Connie Smith

Connie Smith

Ain't Love a Good Thing

Blues go ahead and knock upon my door you can't hurt me anymore

Um-um ain't love a good thing

Rain go ahead and let it rain all night in the morning I'll be dry

Um-um ain't love a good thing

Ain't it good to know love can take away the rain

And make the sunshine again

And ain't it good to know love can take a lonely dream

And turn it into a real thing

Um-um ain't love a good thing um-um ain't love a good thing

Pain find yourself another heart to ache and another mind to break

Um-um ain't love a good thing

Time find yourself another fool to waste and another place to stay

Um-um ain't love a good thing

Ain't it good to know

Um-um ain't love a good thing

Ain't love a good thing good thing

Ain't love a good thing