Lyrics Conway Twitty

Conway Twitty

Ain't It Sad To Stand And Watch Love Die

Ain't it sad to stand and watch love die

Ain't it sad to stand and watch love die

Unfaithful life I took her life in the twinklin' of an eye

And ain't it sad to stand and watch love die

I found her in the arms of my best friend

And I vowed she's never gonna hurtin' me again

And in a bitter anger I shoot them where they lied

And the last words she spoke God forgive me then she died

And ain't it sad to stand and watch love die

The neighbors gathered round so they could see

Oh my God what have you done they started asking me

So I placed a gun up to my head and this was my reply

Neighbor ain't it sad to stand and watch love die

Ain't it sad to stand and watch love die

Neighbor ain't it sad to stand and watch love die

Oh ain't it sad to stand and watch love die