Lyrics Corrosion of Conformity

Corrosion of Conformity

A Quest to Believe (A Call to the Void)

If the pure didn't hate you

You know they'd have to create you

You've been forged from their fears

Another myth drowns in tears

A loyal opposition

Another failed inquisition

Breeds potential victims

That make fearful decisions

You keep on crawling

Across that line

You know Deathwish Man

Your wish ain't mine

Lay judgement to waste

Beneath odd numbered days

Death cannot please you

It's life that evades you

A question to believe

What you cannot deceive

The hour is upon you

There is no reprieve

Deathwish Man

I'm leaving you be

Gone is the shadow

You cast over me

Another life in the shadows

Deathwish Man going blind

Another life in the shadows

Another life left behind