Lyrics Cradle of Filth

Cradle of Filth

Black Smoke Curling from the Lips of War

Drunk off the wine of her mass fornication

She sits astride turbulent seas

Her poisoned cunt harbor to deep fascination

Nations in thrall to the Great Harlot Babylon

She is desire

Free, swathed in dark ecstasies

She will not tire

Bathe in her fire, the Great Harlot Babylon

I have loved her stars too deliciously

To be fearful of the consequences

Judgements, hellbent

On vengeful wing

Descend to swell her cemeteries

Her orchids unfurl as bureaucracy moulders

Sweet opiates further the dream

The fate of the world on her silk-caressed shoulders

Scarlet this woman, the Great Harlot Babylon

She breeds acceptance

Of greed and hypocrisy

Decreed is the sentence

Her prophetic downfall

Unheeded by everyone

I have drunk of her fruits too viciously

To turn my face from her desecration

From foreign shores come the claws to rend her

To burn it all, this opulent splendor

And cast her down in naked surrender

Back to the spurn of the fall

The sins of the earth have spread out her vines

Eastern at birth, now she westers the vespertine

Festers and shines there

The scent of her fragrances hung like a noose

Upon Eden's forbidden tree

The Mother Of Exile, beguiling and loose

Tongued like a serpent, the Great Harlot Babylon

She is desire

Free, swathed in grave liberties

She will not tire

Bathe in her fire, the Great Harlot Babylon

Her putrescence blazes, deep mystery Babylon

And though the skies

In tumult, agonise

She still swaggers in the shadow

Of the towers aimed at God

Black smoke curling from the lips of warfare

Black smoke curling from the lips of war

See, false cathedral

She feeds this evil

Regime with the fecal

So flee from her, people

For freed, the primeval

Will bleed her steeples dry in every way

Idolatress, Ishtar, mistress

Shalt suffer a painful, shameful death

Her soul disgorged

And then be left with nothingness