Lyrics Cradle of Filth

Cradle of Filth

Suffer Our Dominion

The ability to sustain life on earth is shrinking

In perfect unison with rising population

Soon, half of all species will be lost to climate change

And ecological collapse due to human activity

Thus we either reduce our race voluntarily

Or nature will do it for us

And she will be fucking brutal

A grave infection killing its beautiful host

Destroying precious habitats

Acidifying seas, raising the ghost

Exhausting resources

Retaking Eden back

Inhumankind now drives mass extinction

No escape from an enemy of billions

Pity the poor creatures that suffer our dominion

Nowhere left to live unhindered

The Angel of Death slips through the creaking eaves

Everywhere we touch polluted

Greed sits across the table, suited

Welting Mother Gaia like a rash

Bow to our domination

Last belts of nature 'neath the lash

We need to bleed

To devour all creation

Feed the masters

Vast abattoirs existing for our prey

Breeding disaster

Naive consumption

Forefront of the coming plagues

The end descends on all with no distinction

Omnicide, Theriocide the final curtain

Cataclysm close to midnight, that is certain

Inhumankind now drives mass extinction

No escape from an enemy of billions

Pity the poor creatures that suffer our dominion

Suffer our dominion

We are currently consuming natural resources

At almost twice the rate the planet can renew them

Thus to restore the balance, nature will retaliate

But it will be no subtle pruning of our luxuries

It will be a cruel and merciless catastrophe on a global scale

And without doubt

It will be the end of life as we know it

A simple fact, vast errors weigh

Thus Terra acts to curb our play

A coffin for the world handmade to measure

From forests' twisted treasures

Now lost to frost forever

The end has come

Jungles culled, sold on or cindered

The Angel of Death slips through the burning leaves

Everywhere we touch polluted

Trees of wisdom long since rooted

Inhumankind now drives mass extinction

No escape from an enemy of billions

Pity the poor creatures that suffer our dominion

No escape from an enemy of billions

Pity the poor fuckers that suffer our dominion

No escape, no escape, no escape, no escape, no escape, no escape

(So pity the poor creatures that suffer our dominion)