Lyrics Craig Morgan

Craig Morgan

Rain For The Roses

It's ninety eight in the shade

Mr. Rose is rolling hay

Eighty acres down and ten to go

Clouds are building in the south

He knows times a running out

And there goes that tractor's radiator hose

There ain't no tricks in his straw hat

He walks a quarter mile back

Ms. Rose hears him slam that old screen door

What he sees as wasted time

Is a blessing in disguise

Oh he's cussing what she's been praying for

The day turned dark as night

And in her eyes he saw the light

He hadn't taken the time to notice

From heaven it poured down

On that little old farm house

Lord knows what to do when love needs time for growing

He sends rain for the Roses

She pulled down the window blinds

Even though the sun wadn't shining

The rain tapped out a love song on that old tin roof

Wrapped up in the covers

They held on to eachother

Like new lovers on their honeymoon

The day turned dark as night

And in her eyes he saw the light

He hadn't taken the time to notice

From heaven it poured down

On that little old farm house

Lord knows what to do when love needs time for growing

He sends rain for the Roses

Lord knows what to do when love needs time for growing

He sends rain (backup)

The lord sends rain

For the Roses