Crown of Horns

Capricornus Rex in tenebris

I long to feel the dark caress

Of your cloven hooves;

I seek the loving warmth of your anus

As I place my worshipful

Lips about your teats.

We hate, and so we gather

By the light of the moon;

The art of veneficium...

This we learned from you...

To make them grieve in their lord,

Their redeemer in flames

Fanned by the scorn of the children

Who now curse his name.

Sire of sin,

You embody me


To you we congregate;

None so vile,

Your magnificent

Crown of horns

Inspires deeds maleficent.

Destroy the parasite (3x),

Destroy Jesus Christ.

They'll crawl in their perdition,

The righteous will be lost

Where gutted angels lie fucked...

Beneath the feunral cross;

We'll dig them a mass grave soon,

And bring to their knees

Those who would have rescinded

The laws of disease.

"The children have turned",

The cherubs wail,

As anticross triumphs

Where the cross has failed.

Hell-spawned majesty, we eagerly

Await the advent of the

Next millennium

When you will return with a swarm from

Beyond to claim your carnal

Lost dominion.