Forever Changing

All is cold hard beauty, pain is never done

And we remain clothed in space

Forming from space

Space we come and return

And I saw within the mystery of god

In the midst of the southern breezes

A wondrously beautiful image

It had a human form and it's countenance was of such beauty

That I could have more easily gazed at the sun

Than in that face

For a broad golden ring circled it's head

In this ring above the face there appeared a second countenance

Like that of an elderly man

It's chin and beard resting on the crown of her first face

And on both sides of the figure a wing grew out of the shoulders

The wings rose above the face and were joined there

Then at the top part of the wing on the curve appeared an eagle's head

It's eyes were like fire and in them the brilliance of angels streamed forth from the mirror

On the part of the left wing's curve there was soothed a human head

Which shone like the gleaming of the stars

Both faces were turned towards the east

And from the shoulders of the figure a wing extended to it's knees

The figure was wrapped in a garment that shone like the sun

It's hands carried the lamb which shone like a brilliant day

The figure's feet trod upon a monster of black

A serpent had fastened it's teeth into it

And it's body was wound around the wound

It's tail extended to the left

It said "I am the highest in fiery power

I have kindled every spark of life

I am it, nothing that is deadly

I decided on all reality

With my wings I fly above this little world

With wisdom have I put the universe in order

I am the fiery life of essence

I am a flame beyond the beauty even of the meadows

It is I who gleam in the waters

It is I that burn in the sun

It is I that burn in the moon

It is I that burn in the stars

With every breeze as with invisible life that contains everything

It is I that awaken every thing to life

The air lives by turning green and being in bloom

And the waters flow as if they were alive

The sun lives in it's light and the moon is enkindled

After it's disappearance once again by the light

Of the sun so that the moon is again revived

The stars too give the light with their beaming

I have established pillars that bear the entire globe

In the same way too the body envelopes the soul

And maintains it so that the soul will never blow away"

And all is cold hard beauty, pain is never done

Never done