When I Become The Moon
I remember yesterday,
when I become the moon
When all the stars came out to play,
we danced away the gloom
Circled 'round the ring of stones
before they fell in ruin
I can hear our voices still,
when I become the moon
High Diana ruled the wood, traces still remain
Shared the wisdom and the herb,
shared the joy and pain
Echoes of life's passion play still
haunt the bride and groom
But they'll be wed again someday,
when I become the moon
Soldiers of the holy war,
holy greed command
Claimed the Earth and all her shores,
stole Diana's land
But in my heart there lingers still
the dark of her perfume
I drink the earthy wine until I become the moon
All that's left is history,
and Diana's blood and bone
Fragments of a mystery,
her story is our own
But undercover of the stars her secret is exhumed
I bow before her beauty now,
and I....become....the moon.