Lyrics Damien Jurado

Damien Jurado


Come, o come

Come away, Heather

Who is the boy

That you keep by your arm?

That drags a cat

Around by a tether

Who is the boy

That you keep by your arm?

I must say

He looks not familiar

Is he a stranger

From some other town?

The townfolks say

He looks quite peculiar

They've never seen

His kind come 'round

Tell me, o tell me

Will he be your husband?

Will you, o will you

Will you be his bride?

Will you stay in the house

And provide him with children?

Are you sure

He will not leave your side?

When tears fill your eyes

Whom shall you run to?

You can run

To the house on the hill

In this house

You will find me standing

By a window

Waiting for you