Lyrics Damien Rice

Damien Rice

Sleep Don't Weep

Sleep, don't weep, my sweet love

Your face is all wet and your day was rough

So do what you must do to find yourself

Wear another shoe, paint my shelf

Those times that I was broke, and you stood strong

I think I found a place where I...

Sleep, don't weep, my sweet love

Your face is all wet 'cause our days were rough

So do what you must do to fill that hole

Wear another shoe to comfort the soul

Those times that I was broke, and you stood strong

I think I found a place where I feel I will...

Sleep, don't weep, my sweet love

My face is all wet 'cause my day was rough

So do what you must do to find yourself

Wear another shoe, paint my shelf

Those times that I was broke, and you stood strong

I hope I find a place where I feel I belong

Sleep, don't weep, my sweet love

My face is all wet 'cause my day was rough