Lyrics Dark Fortress

Dark Fortress

Pulling at Threads

Rampant hubris spreads

Through empires built on fallacy

Echoes conceit of the living and the dead

Propagates the seeds of corroding deceit

Eyes in the skies

Poisoned wires run

Lies pulling at threads

Till they come undone

Civilization unravels itself

Denies the demise

Which from avarice comes

Dies - still pulling at its threads

Breaking them one by one

In saturnine gluttony, the monster feeds

Cannibalizing on itself

Until there's nothing left

Even titans fall

To the spells of Uranos

Those slightest ploys

At the heart of the avalanche

Concealed from narcissist dementia

The bane of giants hides in the small

Horizons hypnotising, paralysing

Gargantuan puppets

To be destroyed

From within

By their minuscule masters

Patiently watching corruption

Run its course

Scared and ensnared in their nightmare

Souls slowly drain, blind and unaware

Stained with disdain, devout in hatred

Vain, inane, bloated and insane



