The Sun Beyond Your Eden

I hold my breath for a moment

A soft breeze passes me by hiding this place

In the palm of bloody hands

Emotions playing through the rain

When is the new beginning

The pale-faced picture in the mirror of tears

Has been waiting for so long


In my beginning is my end

Life that in me has never rest

In my beginning is my end

All beautiful moments pushed away

No coward soul is mine

No trembler in the worlds storm-troubled sphere

Dreams in light, faith shines equal

Arming me from fear

We shall have no time for dances

There is not room for death

Nor atom theat his might couldrender void

We are here

What we art may never be destroyed

For sunlight in your Eden

Emotions and man were gone

And suns and universes ceased to be

I was left alone

Every existence would exist in me

The sound of belched words lost in the wind

A few embraces dying

The sound of whispered thoughts lost in the wind

A few commandments lying