Lyrics David Byrne

David Byrne

Dialog Box

Picture this

Bumping lips

Everyone talks

Do a dialogue box

They shake and bake

Make a cranky face

They got rocks in the head

Got rocks in the bed

Pull the hood down

Grab the fold out

Is it too loud?

Is it all right?

Makin' contact

And you know that

Need a tight fit

To survive


Said Juliette

Got a dialogue box

Hey look at me, that's my answer

All Sparkly white

Shiny bright

A genuine smile

The Renegade style

Gonna heat 'em up

And stir the pot

bake it a while

Then cool on the side





I'm a rich man,

I'm a poor man

But the main thing

I'm alive

Lost in Space

Cosmic haze

Beautiful wreck

Special effect

Clean and pure

Swift and sure

I'm ready to drop

In a dialogue box



My creation

Any size

If you try it

And you like it

You can have it customized

Gonna test ya

With a gesture

Do I feel ya?

Are ya scared?

In the darkness

In the details

At the movies

Or a play

All crinkled up


Fall through the cracks

In a dialogue box

With a smiley bump

Gonna line 'em up

And the question I ask

Hey look at me

That's my answer