Lyrics David Crosby

David Crosby

Morning Falling

His open eyes

At first light

We see

An echo of his mothers smile

At her breast

His sister pressed


The sun begins to warm the ancient tile

They came that day, hollow men

Agents of a god they could not know

A mile above, distant eyes

Miss desperate pleas that pictures could not show

The morning falling

A shackle snaps

Beneath cold wings


The shepherd is pulled toward home

The shadow falls

A falcon calls


His world becomes a mountain of stone

They came that day, empty men

Agents of a god they’ll never know

High above, those eyes

See what seems to be on screens that glow

The morning falling

His eyes can see

But His mind can’t hold

What He has seen

The absence of the lives they used to live

A world away

The trigger is pulled

And here there is no reason to forgive