Unhealing Wound

Could you have known this morning

As you stepped out of your bed

That this day was gonna to change you forever

That day after school

You stand there waiting for the bus

But this guy, he said "I'll give you a ride"

You knew the boy

Cause he was with you il class

And he seemed to be a cute guy

Could you guessed

Wath he wanted

Read his mind

It wasn't about helping you out

And now that he took

Your youth away

Your life as turn to black

And your dreams

Fade away

As you lay in the dark

And the next day

You're feeling all dirty inside

When is all this gonna end ?

The deepest way you could be hurt

Gets in your way, is in your life

And there are thousands of girls in your case

Well I know

This won't help you

What can I say

No mater what I do

It ain't enough

Freedom's gone

And it leaves you in hell

All by yourself

I'm so a shamed

To be a man

When I hear wath some do

But I know

This won't take off

The weight that is on you