Spinnin' Round

Round, round, you're spinnin' round

Your life goes round and round

I got a reason to rap cause my God is King

Just like a gospel singer's got a reason to sing

And like young David used to play his harp

Presenting praise and worship in the form of an art

I selected a direction, I'm going one way

I got a motive and a reason to say what I say

Telling you about a friend, you need to know Him

Christ the Messiah is the Savior of men

I presented my purpose, now present to me yours

To boast and to brag the most is no chore

I don't mean to sound negative, ain't puttin' ya down

But it appears kinda clear that you're just spinnin' around


Round, round, a-ra-a round, round

You're spinnin' round

Round, round, a-ra-a round, round

On your way down

Round, round, a-ra-a round, round

You're spinnin' round

Round, round, a-ra-a round, round

Christ must be found

Spin, then do it again

But no real direction is where you've been

You're spinnin' like a top or a merry-go-round

Your life song is like my break sound

Your rap is ego-filled, the milk has been spilled

And for this piece of advice, you won't be billed

But take heed to this info, like it came from ya kin folk

Remem' it ain't a whim but you will hear it again

Yo, listen kinda a close, you might need a dose

Of Decent Christian rap with DC Talk as your host

I'm not on the mic to boast but I submit a toast

Praise the Lord y'all sings a heavenly host

You're spinnin'

[repeat chorus]

Stop grinnin' while you're spinnin' cause you're messin' up

You know I rap for the King who could be fillin' your cup

Enlightening lyrics can lengthen your life

Listen close, I don't boast, but illuminate Christ

Don't submit my name to fame, I don't claim to be down

Cause you'll see me going up when the trumpet sounds

Call it heavenbound while you're spinnin' round

I'm saved, hear me rave, I'll be wearing' a crown

Cause I'm in the Lord's army while satan's out to charm me

He won't harm me or disarm me, I know sin is gonna scar me

So I resist temptation, it comes in variation

Condemnation, devastation, you read in Revelation

God is love like a dove? His wrath will be keen!

What I mean is unseen, it won't be green

Crushin' satan, perpetratin' adversaries and foe

The Holy Word of God says they all gotta go

You're spinnin'

[repeat chorus]

What's up, this is dc Talk

This song goes out to all you people

That have no direction in life

You people that are spinnin' round

Well I got news, God has a plan for your life,

He's just waitin' for you to ask Him for the map

So don't take it light