Lyrics Deathspell Omega

Deathspell Omega

Onward Where Most With Ravin I May Meet

In secretest conveyance, I say

forfeit all tongues to Death as hitherto

they maintained the memory of the prime Architect

and welcome instead, with yells and hysteria,

the language, mockery of the Logos,

that tastes bitter ashes alike

and mimics exploding hiss.

By repetition, incantation and privation of the psyche

thou shalt summon words that to the mind are bane

and forevermore close your soul to the heavenly stars.

You may lament aloud:

dawn shall henceforth rise within a suffocating tomb.

Among all carnage present and past

only one grave matters,

hollow and hopelessly out of reach,

the Grave of Singularity,

over which weeps the Mother of All,

saddened unto Death.

The further the abasement of Man, the more

he thinks of himself as angelic throng,

just and saintly!

Thou shalt celebrate the unquestionable perfection

of this world without end,

in which Life faces dissolution,

with ceaseless Prayers, degenerate Song

and obsequious discipline,

for thy flesh is nothing

but a receptacle for Law ironclad,

ever since thy volition sunk

into the deepest of Abysses!

Thou shalt accept thy Revelation

as your beginning and your end,

all other things you are to abjure with spite!

What thy Lord commands with repulsive voice

tolerates neither addition nor love, nor faith.

Only prevenient submission and servitude

to the utmost limits of the fearful self!

Thou shalt reap lush reward

for taking that solemn oath...

thy heart shall breed the larvae of plagues

and depletion will complement dearth

in thy hapless pursuit of a merciful void.

See? Thy faith is not void of wonders!

O Father! Intros! Witness thou anon!

The rotten splendor of what once was thy realm,

now shivering at the black threshold of the grave,

deprived of the compass of duality,

hence wretched and drowning in tenfold confusion.

Death, adorned with refined rags,

parades endlessly in a mimicry of Life,

as innumerable crowds flagellate themselves

in delirious adoration.

The malformed progeny of Sin and Virtue

reeks of such outrage to the Universe

that even Titans flee submerged with nausea,

lacking the strength to face this crime,

which contains all crimes as one!