Freaker's Ball

Well there's gonna be a freakers ball

Tonight at the freakers hall

And you know, you're invited one and all

Come on babies grease your lips

Grab your hats and swing your hips

Don't forget to bring your whips

We're going to the freakers ball

Blow your whistle and bang your gong

Roll up something to take along

It feels so good it must be wrong

We're freakin at the freakers ball

Where all the fags and the dykes they're boogyin' together

The leather freaks are dressed in all kinds of leather

The greatest of the sadists and the masochists too

Screaming "Please hit me, and I'll hit you"

The FBI are dancing with the junkies

All the straights, are swinging with the funkies

Across the floor and up the wall

We're freakin at the freakers ball

Yall, we're freakin at the freakers ball

Everybody's kissing each other

Brother with sister, son with mother

Smear my body up with butter

Take me to the freakers ball

Pass that roach please and pour the wine

I'll kiss yours if you'll kiss mine

I'm gonna boogie till i go blind

We're freakin at the freakers ball

White ones, black ones, yellow ones, red ones

Necrophiliacs looking for dead ones

The greatest of the sadist and the masochists too

Screaming "Please hit me, and I'll hit you"

Everybody's fallin' in batches

Pyromaniacs striking matches

I'm gonna itch me where it scratches

Freaking at the freakers ball