I Don't Want To Be Alone Tonight

Your phone's gonna ring in the darkness of night

And you'll rise from the bed when you leave

And you'll answer, hello, and from out of the past

A voice you once loved is gonna say

I don't wanna be alone tonight

I don't wanna be alone

And I had to call someone who used to care

I don't wanna be alone tonight

I don't wanna be alone

So say that you still want me and I'll be there

Maybe some day you'll lie there and look at the rain

Feeling afraid and alone

Feeling a hunger you just can't explain

And you'll be the voice on the phone

I don't wanna be alone tonight

I don't wanna be alone

And I had to call someone who used to care

I don't wanna be alone tonight

I don't wanna be alone

So say that you still want me and I'll be there

I don't wanna be alone tonight

I don't wanna be alone

And I had to call someone who used to care

I don't wanna be alone tonight

I don't wanna be alone

So say that you still want me and I'll be there