Lyrics Dreadful Shadows

Dreadful Shadows


As I heard you've lost your game

I knew that today we'll make it real

I went everywhere to find you

And I can't forget how you called my name

And when the sun went down

I knew that there's no way to help you

When I begin to close my mind

As I reached the place where we met first

I thought you're standing there

As I tried to take your hand

The vision suddenly disappeared

And when the sun went down again

I felt you close behind me

And I began to close my mind

And here I've found you, innocent and sweet

You lie there in the street

Your eyes don't tell the lies anymore

The're full of bitter tears

Your hands cramped as they tried to

Pull you back to your unhappy life

Your mouth is opened wide

To speak the last words but there was no time...

Now we stand here side by side

And we're waiting for the next black night

You give me a smile and you say:

"Now we start our second life!"

And when the sunset comes

We kiss that bloody life good-bye

And we take off and fly away...

And here we've found us, innocent and sweet

We lie there in the street

Our eyes don't tell the lies anymore,

They're full of bitter tears

Our hands cramped as tried to

Pull us back to our unhappy lives

Our mouths are opened wide

To speak the last words but there was no time...