Lyrics Dying Passion

Dying Passion


Your hands are shaking

Heartbeat accompanies that devil inside you

All you can do is wait till he leaves

There’s no awakening

The game you chose to play

Takes so much more than you can give away

Nothing of that left

Only your compunction

Break the mirror

You still see your reflection

Your mind is falling apart

You are trying to put all the pieces

Back together

Who is to blame now?

You blame all the world

Take down all of them

Who are pushing you to your end

Feel the pain

Did you already forget?

Take all the shame that you cannot stand

and you do it again

There’s no way out

Am I awake or am I sleeping

I don’t know, I just want to get out

A moment that is not to remember

What is real? I can’t recognize

Am I awake or am I sleeping

Please take me out

Screaming inside, falling apart

It's over now