Lyrics Ed Harcourt

Ed Harcourt

Black Dress

For days I've searched for the words

So i don't make a mess of this

I'll trade my eyes for a fleeting wish

I woke at 7am

The cold air was not becoming

This tune I started humming

And you lay there so still

With dark eyes shut and whiskey breath

You hadn't taken off your black dress

The curtain fell from it's rail

I shut the window so it wouldn't shatter

But it was nothing it didn't matter

To me our lives are barely built to last

How did you creep up on me so damn fast my dear?

I sat in the kitchen and thought

I've had a few knocks here and there

Was mostly my fault so i don't care

You said i have a bad side

It comes when all the clocks have stopped

I feel my heart begin to drop

To me our lives are fast approaching death

So lets go out in my suit and your black dress