The Silence Of Light

I heal my wounds in

the orchard of misery

Where the fruits and the trees

have turned to dust.

Be merciful, my Lord.

The meadows of Light and Pulchritude

Are blackened and soiled

by emptiness and despair.

Domine, eius miserere,

Lord have mercy on me.

Eam libera de animis damnatorum

Sine eam fulgere in refugio tenebrarum.

Confutatis maledictis,

Alas, that day of tears

and mourning.

Flammis acribus addictis.

Miserere, miserere,

Salva me.

Gloria in excelsis Deo.


Hosanna in excelsis.

Eternal rest give unto me, O Lord,

Perpetual Light cannot shine upon

the soul of the Damned.

Salva me, libera me.

Ille sanguis, ille cruor.

Lumen moritur.

Numquam lumen moritur!


Hosanna in excelsis.

Eternal rest given unto me, O Lord,

Because Thou art merciful.

Non dono tibi soporem aeternum,

Nam misericors sum.