Nerxiarxin Mahathallah

Hear your child!

Born of a voice untimely

the echo of men's ordure

dropped in a wood consciously.


What do you want from me??

I shall bring thee to honour

when thou dost embrace me.

"Bringest me my due" as thou sayest

I will not bring it to thee!

Ask me not, what thou canst not learn from me.

I am she who reflects unto thee!

I am Deception

I deceive and weave


I whet and excite heresies


"Bringest me my due" as thou sayest

I will not bring it to thee!

Ask me not, for thou canst not learn from me.

I am she who reflects unto thee!


towards a lonely logic truth

I cause you unworthy to scatter and fall

I shall bring you a well deserve misery!

Yk Nerxiarxin Mahathallah!