The Tiberius Cliff (Exile to Capri)

26 A.D. exile to Capri,

paranoia infects the mighty Tiberius

Assassins lurk throughout the glorious land,

like Germanicus, dead by a poisoned tongue!

What is a king without a leash on his kingdom?

What is all power... without fear to feed it?

On to Capri to rule, bring forth desire of a god

Servants to please, my wilds dream....

I am Tiberius

and you shall bring me your children,

You shall bring me your wives,

you shall bring me everything...

My reign as a Julio Claudian,

will be remembered

as the greatest of them all

Statues will be erected

in all corners of Rome!

"Watch closely little boots,

as I bathe in their blood

and crush their dignity to nothing,

one day you will be the same, boy...

oh what a sight it will be"

Your father was a hero of Rome,

I could not let him rise

One day you will understand

and worship me as a god

My enemies will tremble,

my wrath unmerciful

Aut vincere, Aut mori.

Caligvla!!... Rise with me...

Rise, and all shall fall from the Tiberius cliff...