
Living amidst filth and dust

Crawling in mud searching for scraps

Excruciating stench of decaying remains

Constant starvation, a state of nothingness

Failing the overlooked, the ignored

Betraying the least of my brothers

You see them shivering, in solitude

Excluded, Imprisoned, defenseless

You see them tortured, abandoned

Laying on the ground left for dead

Failing the overlooked, the ignored

Betraying the least of my brothers

Failing Me

A refugee in a strange land

Mistrusted and hated

Human beings denied fundamental rights

Exposed to fear and intimidation

Desperate cries of dismay - isolated

Like worthless creatures - nonexistent

Betrayal of the outcasts

You are the accursed goats herded to doom

Turning away from the sight of the needy

Turn away from Me, to a place for the wicked