Human Frailtie's Grave

A life worn out by endless reflections

Has shattered every single last hope of rising again

Has defied your advise and counseling

The sinful nature causes a weak discipline

And drags me to the human frailties grave

Self inflicted wounds

Innumerable false steps

Unforgivable mistakes repeated to a frightening agree

Gradually growing conscious of the habit-forming addiction

Through me all actions fail

The human weaknesses

Are once again at force

In unrecognizable shapes

New structures each time

Fragile symptoms constantly show new characteristic sides

I myself am weak, am nothing

Uncontrolled line of thought color my manners

I know there is more to reach for

I know where strength is found

The overflowing, everlasting source

Within you my maker

With You by my side

The safely directed journey

In me, around me, your presence

Enriches, creates, gives life

You offer completeness,

You are hope