Lyrics Fairport Convention

Fairport Convention

Duchess Anne

I swear allegiance, my friend

To your people and your realm

And to your daughter, fair maiden Anne

She is betrothed to my son

When the marriage vows are done

Then our two countries shall be bound as one

Duchess Anne with courage and with faith in God

La Bretagne will be saved

Do not fear, the battle shall be won

We will fight them, we will crush them to the ground

A thousand soldiers come to the borders of your land

To free your country from the King of France

The devil be this King who would bring us to our knees

For gain, for power and in greed

Duchess Anne with courage and with faith in God

La Bretagne will be saved

Do not fear, the battle shall be won

We will fight them, we will crush them to the ground

Together we must stand to defy the King of France

Yet again his army marches on your land

With treachery and lies he endeavours

He strives to sow dissension

Our allies to divide

Duchess Anne with courage and with faith in God

La Bretagne will be saved

Do not fear, the battle shall be won

We will fight them, we will crush them to the ground

War cannot be stayed but with courage and with faith in God

La Bretagne shall be saved