Lyrics Fairport Convention

Fairport Convention

Travelling by Steam

With a steady hand on the lever

And the signal ready to pass

Keep the light burning, fireman

And the water, well up in the glass

With a shoulder to the rail

There's no better place to be

Than the right side of the footplate

When you're travelling by steam

Stand in the bight, look for the green light

Voices that echo and ring down the line

One load to shed, then homeward we tread

Till morning and the coal-boy come singing

Me granddaddy worked in the railway

A bigwig, so I've heard talk

Me father, he was a driver

Travelling pit to port

And there's no better life for a young man

With them you must agree

When you're right side of the footplate

And you're travelling by steam

Stand in the bight, look for the green light

Voices that echo and ring down the line

One load to shed, then homeward we tread

Till morning and the coal-boy come singing

Tomorrow it's off up to Banbury

A lodging turn for me

Where I can lay me head on a pillow

In a room where I can sleep

And it's up and away in the morning

And wipe the clock-face clean

And you're right side of the footplate

And you're travelling by steam

Stand in the bight, look for the green light

Voices that echo and ring down the line

One load to shed, then homeward we tread

Till morning and the coal-boy come singing

So pick up yer traps and yer Tommy-box

We're reaching the end of the line

Keep yer eye on your watch, lad

We'll bring her in on time

And it could have been life on the dole queue

Or mining for coal at the seam

But you're right side of the footplate

And you're travelling by steam

Stand in the bight, look for the green light

Voices that echo and ring down the line

One load to shed, then homeward we tread

Till morning and the coal-boy come singing