The Walls of Laemnil

Suffering no more today

Not today!

Believe in us, we are now on our way to your jails

Leave your past suffering behind

Freedom awaits so you must raise your head to the stars

And believe in yourself once again

And tonight...

The walls of Laemnil fall

Raise our fate to the hands of Gods


The walls are falling to the trampling of our men

And the walls of Laemnil fall at last

The dark lord in his castle fears for death tonight...


One for all, on our march to Eldergrave

And the walls of Laemnil fall

To the stomping of a thousand men

One for all, on our march to Eldergrave

And the walls of Laemnil fall

To the stomping of a thousand men

Down to the hall we recovered the all-mighty stones

and the power of Gods will beours

We left the shadows far behind

leave the shadows far behind and stand

To win the freedom of all man

Freedom awaits so you must raise your heads to the stars

And believe in yourself again

And tonight...

Solan can witness our fight

And tomorrow leave the world in harmony

And tonight...

The walls of Laemnil fall

Raise our fate to the hands of Gods

And the walls of Laemnil falls at last
