Before I Wake

Out in the starless darkness

The city swallowed itself

Traffic signals switched

From green to red

I searched your body for evidence

Under a dogwood canopy

Your hand in mine

Frozen in time

Who would have guessed

Life as we knew was ending

So don't cry

We'll be alright

Once I get you cleaned up

Babe, we're on our way

But if you die before I wake

Have my heart

It's yours to take

A sacrifice for our sake

I'd give my life for you any day

And daylight drew the sickness

I brushed the bangs from you're face

While watch your eyes turn from

Green to red

Back in our old apartment

Collecting dust on a shelf

The memories of you and me

Incinerate from under futhered timber

So don't cry

We'll be alright

Once I get you picked up

Babe, we're on our way

But if you die before I wake

Have my heart

It's yours to take

A sacrifice for our sake

I'd give my life for you any day

Love of mine

Call out

If it eats you from the inside

Out of time

But be sure

I'll be all yours on the other side

Sometimes it's harder

To stay alive

But if you die before I wake

Have my heart

It's yours to take

A sacrifice for our sake

I'd give my life for you any day