Following Skadi

The northern night's shining by fires of enemy's ships

Is awakening my mind from the trance…

It's time to remember all blood and all sorrows

And swords of my brother's in wildest dance…

When beauty dawn closer I'll raising my hands

To Asgard through grey northern clouds…

My beautiful Goddess, I'm following you

Towards wars and battles and storming sea's sounds…

In enemy's eyes I have red a great hatred,

The revenge was flashed on the edge of my sword…

And Scadhi will wait till I'm ready to follow -

Together we'll save our beautiful world.

The cold wind of freedom will break off all chains,

And push in the embrace of war…

And forcing my heart to remember all names

The Valhall will open the door…

The Child of the Will is your name I know…

All wishes and dreams in your hands.

Like you I will stand on the native land's snow

Protecting my dear Fatherland.

There were many battles that we had seen,

And our foes are dead…

Now going to Valhall I'm following you

Highly raising to stars my head…