The Line Interlude

"Don't look for the line."

What do I mean by that?

Well, I've been asked a lot recently:

"Ryan, what do you mean?

You say there's progressive sanctification

Where we all stumble in many ways

And there's pattern sin

Where's the line?"

"I don't know where the line is."

I mean I know some things that are over the line

I know that

There are some things that are clearly pattern sin

I know some things that are over the line

I know some things that are just stumbling in many ways

"Where exactly, Ryan, is the line?"

"I have no idea where the line is."

And praise God scripture never gave us the line

You do not want to be as close to the line as you can

You want to be way over here

OK, so the couple

They're not married

They're in the backseat of the car

They're going like:

"Oh, how far can we go?"

Like, "What's allowed here?"

"Get out of the car!"

It'll all be OK outside the car

We should be making every effort

To add every bit of grace to our lives

We should be looking to Him

Adding the knowledge of Him to our lives

Pursuing Godliness

And by God, I mean that will all reverence

By God, we will grow in assurance that we are saved

We will not grow in assurance by always asking:

"Can I keep one foot close to the line?"